Saturday, December 31, 2011

Much to catch you up on

Welcome to my version of Australia.
Hope you all had a great Chrissy, lots of food, laughs and pressies.
As most of you know, I arrived in Oz Dec 6th. Was wonderful to be met by my friends and take my coat off  when I left the airport. It really felt like coming home.

And of course my first stop was Queen Victoria Market. Followed by a nice lunch in a outdoor cafe, a few more errands and back to Phillip Island. Home for now. So good to be back at Red Rocks. My dear friends have arranged my bedroom beautifully. I have a table in front of the sliding glass doors for my computer and I can lay in bed and watch my fave gum trees gently blowing in the wind.

I have been watching the biggest gum as it is almost in bloom and when it does burst out, it will be breath taking. It will be covered in red blooms. My camera is at the ready. Not that my camera has not been doing it's job, but I have been more sedate in taking pics this time round, so far any way. I am sure that will change when we head out on our great holiday adventure, more of that later.

My first week was spent just relaxing and getting the inner clock turned around. As well as acclimatizing to the weather. I am loving the heat. So we took short trips into Wonthaggi and Cranburne(or Cranny as they call it). These were trips to look thru some stores and grab little things for Chrissy.

Wendy and Deb(my friends I am staying with) have an A-van. This reminds me of the tent trailers from when I was a kid. Only this one is hard sided so when up, feels roomy and safe, when down is pulled behind the car like the old tent ones. We took off on the13th of Dec and went to the Tarra Bulgar National Forest to stay at The Best Friends Holiday Park. It was about a 4 hrs drive from here, thru some amazing hills and wonderful forests.    

Best Friends is a park designed for people and their dogs. They have cabins and sites for tents and caravans. Each site has electric hook ups and are fully fenced. Ours also had an incredible old gum tree. So beautiful. And free of charge we were entertained by a dozen or more Kookaburras. And believe me when I say they can become annoying with their loud "laugh". We also had Black and White cockies, Crimson Rosellas, King Parrots, Eagles and countless other smaller birds.

Also in residence was a female and male Koala, with a baby. We saw and heard the male, but did not see mom and babe. The males are always very noisy, and it seemed to like the dark of night for making his grunt/huff/heavy breathing sounds.

Had a great time exploring the National Park. As well as some of the smaller towns around. Had a great time setting up the A-van and attaching the annex(awning). Deb had figured out that bins would be perfect for our clothes, and we stored these under our beds(my bed was the kitchen table). We set up another table outside and enjoyed our meals in the sun or shade, depending on when we were eating.

We headed home Dec 16th, and just as we were reaching the Island, we received a call from the hair dresser. It was arranges that Kim would meet us here and we all got our hair cut. Just in time too. My hair was getting to the flippy stage. Kim was great, but I miss you Amy!

Was good to be back to the Island, I have taken on the chores of doing the laundry and dishes. Can't say I am brilliant at it, but I am trying to help out.

Wendy and I went into Melbourne on the 20th of Dec to visit Auntie Marj, was so good to catch up with her after so long. Age has caught up with Auntie Marj, as well as arthritis, making it painful for her to move around. But she is not a complainer and we had a great time. After a bit of shopping, Wendy and I headed home. But not before we got stocked up with champers, on sale no less!!

Then it was full on Christmas, they decorated, we went to a friends for a Champers and appie party on Dec 22. Deb took a chocolate fountain and it was a massive hit. Deb is a bargain shopper and got an incredible deal on the chocolate fountain. We had tried it a few nights before the party. After we began to feel sick from eating so much melted choc on strawberries, pound cake, bananas and marshmallows, we knew it would be loved by all. And it was, it has also already been lent out.

Reg arrived on the 22nd, he got to stay in the A-van. Alison(Wendy's sister) arrived on the 23rd. The 24th was Reg's bday so Deb decorated for that and we started our celebrations that night. Christmas day was fun with a start of raisin toast, then the pressies. I was very blessed and no one seemed to mind the meager gifts from me. Chrissy lunch was seafood for them and salads etc for me. There was also cold roast pork and ham, all cold as the temps were in the low 30s. Melbourne then had a massive hail storm, with windows broken, cars dented and flooding. The hail stones were lemon size, and they have big lemons here! Like I said, we were lucky. It rained a bit, but with the heat, the moisture did not last.

I have taken on (with much joy) the duty of walking Daisy on Red Rocks Beach in the morn. From Dec 1 to April 15 dogs are not allowed on the beach from 9AM to 5PM. It is an awesome way to start my day.

Will begin cleaning and painting the picket fence around the deck out front. This will help improve my view!! We also plan to do some painting inside as well. I do look forward to these jobs as it will be my way to give back.

It is Dec 31st at 10:15 AM. Deb is going to help me put some pics on this before I send it. Wishing you all the best for 2012. Enjoy any parties and stay safe. Watch for my updates.  Much love Bon